February 6, 2025

Reverse GST Calculator

Reverse GST Calculator

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About Reverse GST Calculator

Note: Please note this is a reverse GST calculator, which means if you have a price including GST and you know GST rate, then you can remove GST from price and calculate the original price without GST.

If you want to add GST to original price of a product, then check out our GST calculator

Understanding GST

GST (Goods and Services Tax) is an indirect tax that has replaced numerous incidental taxes in India. On March 29, 2017, the Goods and Service Tax Act was enacted by Parliament. The Goods and Services Tax Law in India, which went into effect on July 1, 2017, is a multi-stage, destination-based tax that is charged on every value addition.

GST (Goods and Service Tax) is a type of indirect tax applied to the provision of goods and services. Many of India’s earlier indirect tax rules have been superseded by this legislation. The number of GST taxpayers is growing by the day; in 2018, over 38 lakh new taxpayers registered under the GST regime, bringing the total number of taxpayers to one crore (including the 64 lakh who were already enrolled under the old taxation system). As a result, given the growing number of taxpayers, it was important to include a benefit factor that would allow taxpayers to finish the procedure quickly. 

What are the three forms of GST that the government collects?

Currently, there are three forms of GST.

  •       CGST – Central Goods and Services Tax – applies to sales inside the state and is paid to the federal government.
  •       SGST – State Goods and Services Tax – applies to sales inside the state and is paid to the state government.
  •       IGST – Integrated Goods and Services Tax – applies to sales made outside of the state and is paid to the federal government.

If you sell anything within the state, for example, 50 percent of the GST will be CGST and 50 percent will be SGST. When you sell goods outside of a state, however, 100% of the IGST goes to the federal government. Now that you have a fundamental knowledge of how GST works, let’s look at how GST works in accounting and computation. 

What is a Reverse GST Calculator?

One of the ways to make things easier for taxpayers where a price inclusive is mentioned is to use a reverse GST calculator.

How to calculate the Reverse GST Charge?

When a price that includes tax is specified, the reverse tax is applied. The GST reverse calculation formula to apply for calculating reverse charge is listed below.

Amount of GST = GST Inclusive Price – [GST Inclusive Price x 100/(100 + GST Rate Percentage)]

Original Price = GST Inclusive Price – GST Amount = [GST Inclusive Price x 100/(100 + GST Rate Percentage)]

When should a reverse charge be used?

  1. In the following situations, the GST reverse charge is applicable:

In the first instance, (Goods are delivered from an unregistered individual to a registered one.)

The reverse charge will be levied if an unregistered individual provides goods to a registered person under GST. That is, the individual who gets the products should pay GST to the government immediately.

  1. The second instance (Services through any E-commerce operator)

The reverse charge is levied when any of the E-commerce operators supply services. For example, if an e-commerce operator provides on-demand services such as electricians, plumbers, and other professionals, the e-commerce operator must pay the reverse tax.

  1. The third scenario is (Listed goods and services by CBEC)

The Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) provides a list of products and services that are subject to reverse charge.

4 Things to Remember When Paying Reverse GST

Advance payments are subject to reverse taxation.

  • There is no such thing as a partial reverse tax; instead, a recipient must pay a full tax on the supply.
  • People who buy products or services that are notified under Sections 9(3) and 9(4) should register for GST.
  • GST collected via the Reverse Charge system must be remitted with the government by the 20th of the following month.


1. What is GST Calculator and how does it work?

Based on a percentage-based GST (Goods and Services Tax) rate, the GST calculator may help you determine the net or gross price of your goods. It’s simple to use: enter data that you already know (for example, net price and GST rate) to get additional numbers (in this case, gross price and tax amount)

2. What are the advantages of using the GST Calculator?

The following are some of the most significant advantages of utilising a GST calculator:

  • It assists users in determining the net or gross price of a product based on GST rates.
  • It assists users in distinguishing between distinct GST kinds – SGST, CGST, and IGST – and properly calculating each tax.
  • It saves time by delivering fast results and reduces the possibility of human mistakes when calculating goods and service costs.
  • It is simple to use and assists you in quickly calculating GST.